Notify Plus

Notify Plus“Darling, do you know what day it is today?”. Ever heard that question before and started sweating because it just hits you then that it is your anniversary?

Notify Plus can help avoid such awkward moments. Notify Plus is a legacy Windows program that checks current and upcoming events when you start up your computer.


Even though a bit aged, it still enjoys quite some popularity I must say. Maybe because it’s simple and easy and not blown up like many other calendar applications. Anyway, I do not develop it any further, but it is still here, a classic original.


If you are working with a computer on a daily basis why not let the computer take care about reminding you of all those events, but remind you early enough of course. NotifyPlus is not like other schedulers offering a similar feature. Those programs are usually loaded with other features you don’t want and they have to stay in memory all the time to work.

NotifyPlus is designed to check on events just at Windows startup time, reminds you if there is an event and then unloads itself from memory. Sure, you are only reminded when you start Windows but for the usually events like anniversaries isn’t that enough?

You can setup NotifyPlus to remind you of any upcoming yearly, monthly, weekly or once-only event up to 15 days ahead. It als reminds you about missed events since the last check. NotifyPlus supports the English and German language.

Some of the features are:

  • Monthly, weekly and once-only events
  • List all events
  • Print all events
  • Only one notification dialog for all events
  • Colored marking of changes not yet saved

NotifyPlus is free. So go ahead and check it out.


Notify Plus





Download “Notify Plus” | 1.09 MB | 2013-03-02 | 7374

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